Queensgate Square, Birmingham

Queensgate Square, Birmingham

Plans for phase two of Queensgate Square have been submitted, which will transform the block on Suffolk Street Queensway, Birmingham, opposite The Mailbox, which currently comprises a 1950s office block and derelict car park into prestigious residences.

These new builds – two blocks, one of 15 storeys and another of 12 – will add 159 new luxury apartments to the Birmingham market. Over a third of the accommodation – 55 in number – will be affordable. Both luxury and affordable apartments will blend seamlessly with the only difference being the level of specification when you walk through the door.

Subject to approval, works will start in early 2024.

The two new-build residential blocks will be set around a communal garden and square, which will be shared with residents of Queensgate House, representing phase one of Queensgate Square.

The super-luxe apartments in the Queensgate development will feature high-spec, designer kitchens and bathrooms, all finessed with a natural pallet of mixed timbers, earthy tones and soft whites. The penthouses will have specifically-designed, live-work spaces.

Very much aimed at modern living, Queensgate Square will be rich with amenities.
Residents will enjoy a luxurious sense of arrival as they – or their taxi – drives into a hotel-style, covered foyer for drop-off and pick-up, which will be accessed straight off Suffolk Street Queensway.

This foyer will lead into a furnished lobby and post room, as well as a colonnaded walk into the communal garden and entrance of the new building to the rear.

Full details can be found on Birmingham City Council’s planning portal